They won't remember it anyways. Why waste all that money just to parent in a new place?
I hear things like this all the time.
Travel with kids is one of the most beneficial things you can do for ALL of you.
Time spent as a family where the pressure of day to day life has disappeared. Where you aren't rushing to make breakfast and get out of the door. Where your phone isn't dinging with emails and obligations.. That space is where the memories are made.
It doesn't matter whether you go camping five minutes away from home or you take a flight to the other side of the world - travel is worthwhile no matter the age of your child.
And if they don't remember it - do you know who will? YOU!
Their childhood is our parenthood. We deserve a break from the mundane ourselves.
At SoMos we endeavor to create a balance between adult and family time. We carve out times where the adults can escape into their own experiences (dinners out, an extra massage or just sitting in a coffee shop watching the world go by.) and memory making activities: swimming, hierve el agua, live music, the worlds Largest tree!
Our nannies are on hand to watch children and our chef makes sure they are well fed.
Wherever you go and whatever you do - make sure that you find space to do something that you love. When you're happy - everyone is happy!
Travel breaks down barriers. It ensures our kids are exposed to people who are different from them - maybe even speaking a different language. All of this enriches them and creates an open heart and adults with empathy.
I'll end on an anecdote. Recently in Laos my children were invited to partake in a cooking class with the local children. After the class they were all running around joyfully. My 8 year old came up to me and said "Mum, I am having SUCH a good time, we don't understand a word the other is saying but I really think we have become friends!"
Travel is magic.
